Sunday, May 22, 2005


قرات يوما رسالة بعنوان "عادى ابن عادى العادى"
كانت تتحدث عن شخص عادى. يولد بشكل عادى. يعيش عادى. يتزوج عادى ثم فى النهاية يموت عادى

لا ادرى لماذا عندما قرات هذه الرسالة راودنى شعور غريب بالغيرة!!

نعم شعرت بالغيرة و بشيء من الحسد.ففى عينى رايت عادى اين عادى العادى يعيش الحياة التى لطالما تمنيتها لنفسى.

و تسائلت. هل يحب الانسان ان يكون مختلفا او يكون عادى ؟

انا طالما اردت ان اعيش حياة هادئة بعيدة عن الاضواء.تسير كما تسير مياه النيل قرب منتصف مجراه.بعيدة عن الدوامات

لكن لم البث ان اعدت التفكير. هل ساكون سعيدا اذا تحقق هذا؟

الحقيقة ان لا.لان كما قلت لكم سابفا على الصفحة الانجليزية.اعتقد ان الانسان يولد و معه مسؤوليته لا يستطيع الانفصال عنها او الهروب منها.هذا لان الله خلقه لهدف و حكمة.و من اجل هذا منحه عقل و قلب و روح بمواصفات خاصة لهذا الغرضز

أدركت ان الحياة الهادئة شقاء لمن يشعر بمسؤولية على عاتقه و انه ربما قدر لنا الشقاء بما وهبنا

أدركت اننى مهما حاولت الابتعاد...أعود
مهما حاولت الصمت .... أتكلم
مهما حاولت الاقلاع.. أعود للكتابة

أدركت اننى لن استطيع اسكات هذا العقل حتى تكتب الكلمة الاخيرة فى قصته.اننى لن استطيع اسكات هذه المشاعر حتى تصمت خفقات هذا القلبز

أدركت ان اسعد الناس حظا فى هذه الدنيا هو من ولد ليكون فعلا "عادى ابن عادى العادى"


Eman M said...

And why do you assume that:
اسعد الناس حظا فى هذه الدنيا هو من ولد ليكون فعلا "عادى ابن عادى العادى"?

This normal person may think that his "normal" life is boring and useless, but he is just afraid of "change", but he is not happy anyway.

Your life has a meaning when it is not "normal", you have to do some significant useful thing to your community and nation, even for yourself, as in the end you are a symbol of the community.

Don't wish for a "normal" life, just wish for a "peacful" life.

freeSoul said...

First , welcome here in your first visit, hope it is not the last :)

that "normal" person is not the one who lives a normal life, but the one who is supposed to live a normal life, what i mean is that he was born with a mind, heart and soul suitable for this life, so all his wishes will be satisfied by that kind of life, and from his eyes, life will be as he wish as he can't think of a different way to life it

you can think of thousands of egyptian normal families, they don't think of any different thing, and they are just happy as is, lack of information someties makes you happy

and yes all i wish for is a "peacful" life but can i have it when i don't have a "normal" life ?

the previous question i think will depend on the definition of the peaceful life , it is internal or external peace, i think the most and optimum and only achievable in this case is internal peace when you accept your life and accept the failures and success without blaming your self or torturing you soul

freeSoul said...

As you say steliano, this time I strongly agree :)

I think having a happy family, being loved and to love others is never a small thing, I wish this this could be the kind of life i have , no more :)

Anonymous said...

For free Soul:

I am not with you complelty free soul... Being normal is not very good ...
You live and die and no one remember feel you ... you will be like a cat which appear someday and disappear the other day ... no one ask about her!!!

Fi youm El 7esab what are you going to say to Allah!! how do you spend ur life!!! how do you affect people???
I'm sure you won't be glad at this moment...

you can think of thousands of egyptian normal families, they don't think of any different thing, and they are just happy as is, lack of information someties makes you happy
I think in both cases you won't be happy...

Anonymous said...

For Steliano Ponticos:

I really think life has no meaning.

A normal life is full of love for our family and friends and.., and this is very very very noble, just like the things you can do in a non-normal life.

These is a very good life but complelty in-efective... It really ood to have thousands of friends ... but it will be better to serve them, help them and make them proud of you...

Your family might love you ... but they will be proud of you if they see that you are something different ...

freeSoul said...

Ahmed tarek, Welcome here first :)

just small points to clear out my point:

1- do you think that the cat care much about others feeling or appreciating her?

2- god will question you relative to your ability, the one who was "born" to live normal is the one who was given a very normal or under normal gifts by god, so all he can will be just to live the normal life god intended for him, why then will he look bad at the end ?

3- actually as much as your gifts increase , the options of life you may have increase, here comes the hard point, easy options leads to a not good end at all, die in shame, face god knowing you could do much better but you choosed the easy way, the whole point is you "could" do better, you hade the power to select other options!!

now, if I had the choice, I would have chosen to be a farmer, no big deals, no big responsibilities,
just think about your place, you are a student in the faculty of engineering, don't think you will be questioned about what did you do to make the study in the faculty better for the next students ? how many of us do something for that ?

Welcome again, thanks for the comment :)

Anonymous said...

For Free soul:

When any one talk about normal people ... I always try to get what he mean by "normal people"..

Is he talking about people who just wake up, got ot work ... eat and sleep ... visit his relatives.. has a nice time with his friends...

Or he is talking about "normal people" when our Prophet Mohamed was living... As I think normal people at that time was considered people who work... who are positive... who search for the Magd of Islam.. who has something greater than "having nice time" ...
They are farmers.. traders... or worst... They don't learn like we learn... Many of them didn't see any one more than the people in his village...

Do get what I mean?? I mean that normal people should read.. help others .. do Voluntering work ... Give there opinion .. Search for their country and Religion rise ... Think of others.. Positive .. and more...

In Egypt, normal people are lazy people who watch episodes only on TV... am right??

Anonymous said...

I see what you mean. But these are high goals, if you don't meet them you will be frustrated and unhappy.

What do you care if people remember you, you are already dead?

Again .. its a style of life .. If you are looking for a goal .. you shouldn't be frustrated by any thing .. a word always my friend told me: Being Positive is not realted to the results you will gain...

i.e. you must be positive with or without a result ...

freeSoul said...

Extra ordinary work is not in how big it is but in how different it is, whay voices call for bloody war the brave man is the one who choose pease if possible, not the one who fight, it is all relative to the situation

at those old ages, they had a guide to follow, a light they can see all the time pointing out their ground, it is not easy to work your way out of the darkness, here comes the rule of gifted persons

You say people are lazy, that is not wrong and that is not right, they are lazy because they don't understand, they have very limited knowledge, and the whole atmosphere encourage them to be so, they are not unique to start a major change, this is the rule of the capable people to start a different way, and fire the light

in this life your rule can't be just to be a good man in a society of bad lazy persons, but as a gifted man by mind and education, you should find a way to change people and put them on the start of the right way, you are required to do as you can according to your gifts and abilities, as I said you don't own them for your own use but because god wants you to help others

If i had the choice (which is not mine at all) I would choose to be a cat, live in peace, no obligations, die in piece, no one will be sad or affected by my death, but unfortunately, I am not a cat, so I have to be a man as much as god planned for me to be which will be certainly hard and painful sometimes